View Full Version : Church on Environment Day

06-06-2008, 03:00 PM
Speaking for the Catholic Church Conference of the Episcopate at the Santo Domingo Cathedral yesterday, Monsignor Ramon Benito Angeles called on the authorities to make major changes in what he described as "their negligent and complacent approach" towards environmental predators. He said there is a lack of prevention, controls and authority when it comes to preserving the environment. He said that those responsible for the depredation of natural resources, deforestation or erosion are not poor farmers, but rather the authorities that have been negligent, complicit with depredation or with the ambitions of those who have been entrusted with resource preservation. He criticized the ease with which those caught committing environmental crimes reported in the press are released by the police. He urged for more environmental education so that children do not remain indifferent to what is happening. "How is it possible that trucks loaded with logs pass by us all, that we continue to cut down wood from our mountains to make charcoal, that unscrupulous people steal baby parrots and that these are sold on the highway out of Santiago and no one detains them? Why do so few people respect the seasonal ban on selling certain seafood? What were laws created for?"
For more information, see www.ced.org.do (http://www.ced.org.do)

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