View Full Version : Leonel in Barcelona

06-09-2008, 04:53 PM
President Leonel Fernandez is looking for investors. As the President finished his latest junket to Europe, he met with investors in Barcelona and announced that he wanted to create a railway link from Santiago to Santo Domingo to match his Santo Domingo Metro system. He called it a "small AVE (High Velocity Express)" between the Dominican Republic's two main cities.
While he was in Barcelona, the President announced that business representatives from Majorca had informed him of their intentions to invest EUR3.75 billion in the Dominican tourism sector over the next four years. Speaking to the assembled group of investors, the President also announced that his government was planning a second Metro line to connect with the one now entering operation.
In Barcelona, Fernandez met with Juan Jose Hidalgo (Globalia, Air Europa and Air Dominicana and Oasis hotels), Abel Matutes (Sol Melia), Miguel Valls Maseda, president of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Gregorio Grau, Manuel Grau, Alberto Parera, Adolfo Favieres, and propane gas businessman Arturo Santana. Energy, hotel investment, and rail projects were discussed.
In a somewhat unusual statement, Fernandez said that he was continuing the infrastructure work initiated by Rafael Trujillo and Joaquin Balaguer, albeit within a democratic setting.

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