View Full Version : IMF boots DR rep

06-09-2008, 04:53 PM
In an unusual move, the International Monetary Fund has requested the formal substitution of the Dominican Republic representative at the IMF general headquarters in Washington, D.C. The formal request came after an incident in which security personnel were called in to forcibly remove Ruddy Santana from the IMF premises. Sources in Washington indicate that Santana has violated internal norms of behavior on several occasions. Apparently the situation came to a head when Santana allegedly threatened to hit a representative from another Latin American country. About a week ago, the director general of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, sent a note to the head of the Dominican Central Bank, Hector Valdez Albizu, informing him of the situation. Neither the IMF in Washington nor the Presidential Palace in Santo Domingo would comment on the situation when contacted by the newspaper.

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