View Full Version : US aid exceeds US$45.2million

06-09-2008, 04:53 PM
The United States Embassy says that the US has increased its aid to the DR from US$29.4 million in the 2007 fiscal year to US$45.2 million in the 2008 fiscal year, a 54% increase. The funds are directed at programs to strengthen democracy, health, education, farming, environment and biodiversity, as well as trade under DR-CAFTA.
US Embassy press officer David Searby explains that this includes US$10 million for HIV/AIDS programs. The funds are channeled through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and other agencies. But this sum does not include assistance through the Peace Corps, Military Assistance (MAAG) or humanitarian aid, such as the emergency funds provided after Hurricane Noel.
Searby's comments come after President Leonel Fernandez's mention during the World Food Summit that Venezuela, Cuba, Chile and Brazil were the countries that showed the most solidarity towards the Dominican Republic. Venezuela has the PetroCaribe program that provides major credits for purchase of fuel. The DR has taken on millions of dollars in loans for Brazilian aqueduct and dam projects, as well as a project to purchase Brazilian airplanes. Cuba is known for its donation of the Maximo Gomez technical high school in Bani.

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