View Full Version : Robberies at civil registry offices

06-11-2008, 01:40 PM
The controls put in place by the present Central Electoral Board administration have not been enough to stop what Hoy newspaper calls "factories for forging ID documents (cedulas)." The report highlights the way in which thieves take all that is necessary to create virtual ID document labs for the issuing of birth certificates and cedulas primarily for the lucrative sale to foreigners. It explains that the robberies have taken place at civil registry offices nationwide. Of 26 thefts reported in 2007, only three were in Santo Domingo. The reporter says that in each case, the Police has investigated, but the press has not had access to information about whether anyone has been held responsible for the thefts.
Today's Diario Libre reports that an interim civil registry officer sent to the Boca Chica Civil Registry Office has requested that the entire staff be dismissed.

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