View Full Version : DN mortality rate high

06-13-2008, 03:10 PM
A report released by the Citizen Watchdog, a division of the Santo Domingo Municipality (AND), reveals that 40 out of every 1,000 children born in the National District (Santo Domingo) die at birth. This is higher than the percentage for Santo Domingo province (39/1,000) and the national average (32/1,000). The report also indicates that 10.8% of children born in the National District are born underweight, while 58.9% are not put on an immunization schedule. In addition, 45% of all children in the ND fail to receive all their immunizations. The report also reveals that 13.9% of women under the age of 19 are pregnant or are already mothers. The report also established that the fertility rate in the city is 2.3 children per mother, when the goal is 1.8 children. The report concludes that while it is the area with the most economic growth, the capital city is well below where it should be regarding human development indicators of its population. The capital city is marked by inequity and social exclusion, "that defines it as a violent urban center and one of potential social conflicts."

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