View Full Version : 150,233 more vehicles

06-16-2008, 04:50 PM
In 2007 alone, 150,233 new vehicles were registered, bringing the total number of vehicles in the country 2,121,244 units. Interestingly, as reported in Diario Libre, the category of "jeepetas" (SUVs) was the one that registered the most growth, up 21.6% with 31,175 more in 2007 compared to 2006. Gas-guzzling jeepetas are the vehicle of choice for people benefiting from the government vehicular perk. The Tax Department (DGII) reports there are 175,526 of these. According to the DGII, in 2007 10,517 new jeepetas were reported. The Tax Department (DGII) reports that motorcycles were up 8.77% with 75,944 new units, for a total of 942,180 units or 44% of all vehicles. There were 599,570 cars in 2007, i.e. 24,184 more than in 2004. The number of cargo vehicles increased by 13,347, for a total of 299,987. There are 3,211 buses registered, for a total of 62,020.

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