View Full Version : Minister defends school drink

06-17-2008, 05:20 PM
Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Education Minister Alejandrina German defended the "quality and safety" of the drink purchased from local suppliers for the public school breakfast program nationwide. TV journalist Nuria Piera showed two laboratory results of tests carried out on school milk from Ladom, principal supplier to the Ministry of Education, with the quality of the milk well below Ministry parameters and closer to water with sugar, than the milk preparation the Ministry is paying for. One milk expert speculated that the preparation was whey-based with sugar and flavoring, and explained that imported whey costs 20% of what imported powdered milk costs. Ladom is the nation's largest importer of whey.
Piera also showed results of lab tests on milk from another supplier that came closer to the required level. The investigative journalist also reported that one of the minister's daughters works in Ladom's management department. The Minister said that the Ministry uses the governmental Institute of Innovation in Biotechnology and Industry (IIBI) to monitor the quality of the drink, but refused to show past test results from the IIBI as proof of her statements.
German argued that school milk has nutritional value and said that the accusations against the food program were politically motivated. She took the claims as a public insult saying that they were an attempt to defame her character.
After the lab tests were revealed by Piera, the Dominican Pediatrics Society (SDP) called on the Ministry of Education to discontinue the purchase of the Ladom breakfast drink that fails to meet its own established minimum standards of nutrition.

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