View Full Version : More details from CC

06-19-2008, 02:10 PM
Every day more details surface about the inner workings of the Chamber of Accounts, which has recently come under fire for suspected misappropriation of funds. Chamber of Accounts members increased personal services costs by RD$113 million. Personal service costs are now at RD$275.3 million. Diario Libre reports that a recording exists of a member of the CA trying to blackmail members of the Dominican Municipal League. Also, DL reports that the remodeling of the CA offices was done by a family member of a CA official. The family member was awarded the remodeling contracts without any public bidding. And yet another twist in the CA saga is that the wife of one of the CA members had applied for a vehicle during the recent presidential election campaign. DL reports that when she didn't receive the vehicle she caused a scene at the CA offices. Officials are also investigating why CA officials didn't investigate 80 government employees who violated Law 10-04. President of the sub-committee investigating the CA, Angel Acosta, said one roadblock for investigators is that some CA members have taken home important documents needed for the investigation. The controversy started when it was revealed that the secretary of the Chamber of Accounts is deaf, and would send his son to take minutes at their meetings. Another case in point was the fact that the chamber members were planning to increase their salaries to RD$550,000 per month (up from RD$400,000), which added to their existing perks would have brought their monthly income to RD$850,000. The Chamber of Accounts was also intending to request a RD$10 million loan to finance their pensions when they finish their term of office.

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