View Full Version : Pickpocket

06-19-2008, 03:28 PM
I just talked to a friend who was leaving Sosua today. He said there were plenty of chicas available, but he did get his pocket picked. This sounds like the same thing that happened to Citynights on his Christmas-New Years trip. It happened at the same place on Dr. Rosen right where it bends heading toward Pedro Clisante by the small store. The chica hopped off a motoconcho, grabbed his crotch and picked his pocket and jumped back on the motoconcho and was gone. The only difference was that she didn't use a knife to slit open his pocket. Luckily she didn't get his wallet, only a small amount of cash.

I've walked that way dozens of times and never had a problem, but obviously the possibility exists. Heaven help the chica that hops off of a motoconcho and comes up to me now.

06-19-2008, 04:31 PM
Boy that sucks Choirboy!!

I hope your friend is ok! I have walked that route too and never had any issues. I have even walked it late at night. Maybe my bald tatoo'd ass just looks too imposing!! :eek: :wink:

06-19-2008, 07:13 PM
Boy that sucks Choirboy!!

I hope your friend is ok! I have walked that route too and never had any issues. I have even walked it late at night. Maybe my bald tatoo'd ass just looks too imposing!! :eek: :wink:

He said he had a great time other than the pickpocket incident and the fact they cancelled his flight to Miami (American) when he got to the POP airport. They decided to bus everybody to Santiago .

06-19-2008, 07:16 PM
He said he had a great time other than the pickpocket incident and the fact they cancelled his flight to Miami (American) when he got to the POP airport. They decided to bus everybody to Santiago .

Damn! With all of that shit, he must have had a lot more really good times to shake it off and want to come back! That is good.

06-19-2008, 09:13 PM
Boy that sucks Choirboy!!

I hope your friend is ok! I have walked that route too and never had any issues. I have even walked it late at night. Maybe my bald tatoo'd ass just looks too imposing!! :eek: :wink: http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/3486485b03a0ad17d.jpg:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

El Capitan
06-19-2008, 11:06 PM
Boy that sucks Choirboy!!

I hope your friend is ok! I have walked that route too and never had any issues. I have even walked it late at night. Maybe my bald tatoo'd ass just looks too imposing!! :eek: :wink:

Not in them dirty ass sneakers and knee-high white socks you dont....:D

It's that low profile mode of dress that's keepin them off you!

Only "Wallys" carry wallets in 3rd world countries....buy a money belt..

06-19-2008, 11:21 PM
I recall the incident very well when Citynights came storming into the bar up in Classicos letting us know. We went looking for her on my Moto, but she was long gone. I pray the bitch trys it with me. I will be all smiles, and most liikely throw a right uppercut as soon as she grabs for my balls. I only hope her bad ass moto punk has something to say afterwards.

06-19-2008, 11:38 PM
Sometimes these ladronas are so stupid.

Back in April I was walking past La Gaviota restaurant late at night and one of these chicas (who hides there every night waiting for a victim) approached me. She asked me what time it was and went to grab my wrist, I pushed her away and told her to fuck off (some English they do understand).

Within a few seconds I heard a motocycle pull up and two Politur grabbed her and off they went to the police station. Obviously they were watching her from up the street, waiting for her to approach a gringo.

Never let these girls close to you. I am heading back to Sosua in a couple of days and this will be my 15th week there this year and I see these girls every night, either between Rockys and New Garden or between La Gaviota and Plutos (or whatever it's called now). Their main prey is the drunk Casa Marina tourists who are staggering back to their hotel.

06-20-2008, 05:37 AM
I just don't let them grab me. As soon as a girl in the street approaches me, my hands are on my money, cel, camera, whatever. If they try to grab me, I push em away. They usually start to whine they are not a thief, but I just tell em maybe not, but I ain't taking the risk.

06-20-2008, 08:25 AM
this is pretty much my routine as well...i usually try and get grabbed once a trip, i stiff arm them before they even touch me!!!

again as always, u should NOT carry anything on you around sosua except an expired stateside I.D. and a couple thousand pesos. so even if they did get the "shake" on me...i could swallow loosing 2000 pesos and not even think about it, as opposed to if i was carrying $2000 US on me like most guys have done :confused:

I just don't let them grab me. As soon as a girl in the street approaches me, my hands are on my money, cel, camera, whatever. If they try to grab me, I push em away. They usually start to whine they are not a thief, but I just tell em maybe not, but I ain't taking the risk.

El Capitan
06-20-2008, 08:48 AM
again as always, u should NOT carry anything on you around sosua except an expired stateside I.D. and a couple thousand pesos. :confused:

Yep...I'm using my expired CWP with the wrong home address on it now....before that, COPIES of my ID & passport only....I lock my shit in the hotel safe.

Couple other clues....I keep seeing watches in the photos (WHY?) If you need to know what time it is...AX SUMBODY..."Que hora es?" My Casio G-shock comes off when I land in SDQ...goes back on the day I fly out.

Wear nothing around your neck (this includes KEYS, plastic beach cases, etc), it is either a draw for a S n' G or a quick choke by ladrone...no rings, no bling...no bullshit.

If you're wearin sneakers (and can't wear a money belt) pull the insole out, tuck some money in and replace the insole...then put the shoes on your feet....it's a pain in the ass, but less so than getting ripped off.

When you're pullin cash from a belt or shoes, do it in the shitter, not in the bar......

06-20-2008, 12:21 PM
As soon as they start reaching for me I say "No molesta" and they always back off...
If I want a chica touching me I will call one over :)
and I always walk DR Rosen from the Disco's to New Garden all hours of the night several times alone and never had a problem, However I dont wear bling, carry a wallet or large amounts of cash and I never drink more than 2 or 3 cervesa's so i dont stagger when I walk :corky:

Is it Sept yet ??????

06-20-2008, 06:50 PM
this is pretty much my routine as well...i usually try and get grabbed once a trip, i stiff arm them before they even touch me!!!

again as always, u should NOT carry anything on you around sosua except an expired stateside I.D. and a couple thousand pesos. so even if they did get the "shake" on me...i could swallow loosing 2000 pesos and not even think about it, as opposed to if i was carrying $2000 US on me like most guys have done :confused:

What Hemp does is walk next to me while he staggers around drunk. Then spill drinks on waitresses and expect me to fix everything.

06-20-2008, 08:32 PM
Another fellow who was staying at the NG last week had his Blackberry stolen, but under different circumstances.

Seemed like it might have been his first trip. Saw him his (and my) last night at Classico and he told me he'd let some local, who he had supposedly hung with for a week, "borrow" his Blackberry and the guy has disappeared. :rolleyes:

I told him to call the number and somebody would probably tell him they "found" his phone and to negotiate a price for it, depending on what it was worth to him.

Saw him the following day at the airport and he said he called but no one picked up. Oh well ..... i told him to just chalk it up to a lesson learned and asked him if he still had a fun stay and he said yeah and that he'd be returning.