View Full Version : UNDP on Metro

06-20-2008, 11:00 PM
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is the latest organization to chime in on the Santo Domingo Metro project. Although the first line of the Metro is almost complete, the UNDP is criticizing the government for not releasing the environmental studies, plans and or budgets for a public works project of that size. In a report quoted by Hoy, the UNDP says that there wasn't enough information provided to know if in fact the metro will decrease the dependency on foreign fuels, reduce pollution and help ease transit in Santo Domingo. The UNDP also criticizes the fact that the Metro was built in an area of the city with limited demand from passengers. The government assigned the Metro RD$750 million in 2005, RD$1.835 billion in 2006 and RD$10.7 billion 2007, for a total of RD$13.3 billion. Officials say the first line of the Metro won't cost more than RD$25 billion.

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