View Full Version : Blackouts are back

06-24-2008, 05:10 PM
Technical difficulties, lack of fuel and an unpaid electricity bill are being blamed for a series of rolling blackouts in the DR. Many of the country's power generators have gone offline in the past few days, but officials expect them to be back online by today. Hoy reports that the Cogentrix power generators went offline because the state owed them US$7.5 million. State-Run Electricity Companies (CDEEE) vice president Radhames Segura said that the government had paid the debt yesterday. Segura says that a total of eight power generators have been affected for a variety of reasons, but assured the public that as of today the situation would slowly get back to normal. The Smith and Enron plants were also offline due to technical difficulties, which are being investigated and the V and VI turbines in Los Mina went offline due to a delay in the arrival of a fuel shipment. The Haina I, Haina IV and Palamara-La Vega plants were also offline because of fuel deficiencies. In all, 800 MW of power has been unavailable but Segura says that 470 MW will be available for consumers today.

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