View Full Version : Dominican entrepreneurs in Philly

06-24-2008, 05:10 PM
The Philadelphia Inquirer focuses on the entrepreneurial nature of Dominicans and the way it is reflected in the number of businesses they have opened in Philadelphia. He estimates that 1,000 bodegas in the city are Dominican owned. "While their numbers are relatively small - 4,300 to 20,000 Dominicans now live in greater Philadelphia based on estimates - their influence is outsized", he stressed, commenting on the soaring number of Dominican bodega owners. Many of the shops were bought from Puerto Ricans or Koreans. To explain the phenomenon, the story points out that it could be because Dominicans prefer to be their own bosses. The writer mentions the larger number of corner markets, hair salons and other enterprises that are in the hands of Dominican entrepreneurs.
Read the full article at www.philly.com/inquirer/home_region/... (http://www.philly.com/inquirer/home_region/20080622_Dominican_businesses_booming_in_Philadelphia.html?adString=inq.news/home_region;!category=home_region;&randomOrd=062208051308)

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