View Full Version : Bishop and business urge dam completion

06-25-2008, 01:40 PM
The Bishop of La Vega, Antonio Camilo, together with representatives of the local Chamber of Commerce and the Vega Real Cooperative, are urging the government to finish the dam at Guaigui. The project is a combination of hydro-electrical generation and flood control. The group led by the bishop told reporters from Listin Diario that the dam would save nearly 400,000 barrels of petroleum per year through hydro-electric generation. The bishop also pointed out the benefits of a stable water supply for the region, for both human consumption and agriculture. In his comments, Chamber of Commerce president Edwin Abreu said that in addition to the US$23 million that would be saved in petroleum purchases, an additional US$12 million would be made from the sale of electricity produced by the dam.

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