View Full Version : Best tips for summer

06-26-2008, 02:10 PM
Summer is here and it looks to be a hot one. The following tips could be useful as you try to stay cool and save some money:
1) Keep yourself hydrated and drink as much water or sport juice as you can.
2) Stay in the shade as too much sun can be dangerous
3) Try to stay indoors between 11am and 3pm as these are the hottest hours
4) Eat lighter foods and stay away from hot foods and soups. Fruits, vegetables and salads are preferred.
5) Limit the use of AC and fans.
6) Use light clothing. Use fabrics that breathe as well as light-colored clothing. Stay away from black or brown clothing.
7) Use your sun-block if you are going out. Tomato face isn't the best summer fashion.
8) Consider buying an umbrella if you must go out.
9) Get a nice hat and make sure you take it where ever you go.
10) Take a small towel or handkerchief with you as you walk around the city.

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