View Full Version : Arrest now; ask later

06-27-2008, 02:50 PM
The Attorney General for the National District, Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero and president of the Human Rights Commission Manuel Maria Mercedes, say that every month more than 2,000 Dominicans are arrested during police raids and thrown in jail without justification. The National Police is beginning a new campaign to inform citizens about their rights. Mercedes welcomed the initiative, but urged the National Police to make sure that its officers respect citizens' rights. He added that these unannounced raids create a certain level of tension, especially to marginalized neighborhoods. Mercedes is asking for this campaign to be implemented nationwide. Peguero added that the illegality of the raids is what led him to support the initiative. Posters will be placed in neighborhoods saying:
If I am arrested I have the right to:
- know who is arresting me, where I am going and why I am being arrested.
- be treated well
- be allowed to talk to a person of my choice or my lawyer
- not answer questions during interrogations
- see the Attorney General immediately
- meet in private with my lawyer.
The poster also explains that if these rights are violated, they can call a hotline, (809) 200-1202.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)