View Full Version : Industrialists say new law far from perfect

06-30-2008, 04:30 PM
A panel of industrialists and technicians is analyzing the recent set of Regulations for the Law on Incentives for Renewable Energy and Special Regimes. The group found that the regulations contain so many inconsistencies, gaps, complications and discretionary clauses that such a vital new sector could be stalled in the paperwork. The analysis, conducted at the Herrera Industrial Association (AEIH) headquarters has found that one of the main incentives in Law 57-07, Article 10, which provides for a10-year exoneration on taxes on income from the sale of electricity, bio fuels or synthetic fuels generated by renewable energy, does not have an explicit application in the regulations. This important information was made public by AEIH executives Jesus Moreno Portalatin and Julissa Almonte Espaillat. Another important facet that is not completely covered in the regulations deals with the extent of taxes on external financing of the project developed under Law 57-07. The law provides for a 75% incentive for investment in alternative energy equipment installed in private houses or businesses. Moreno told reporters that as the analysis of the 127-page regulations goes forward, his group will release reports on its findings.

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