View Full Version : [DR1] Senate approves new province

05-03-2006, 03:10 PM
In what can only be called a piece of self-serving legislative work, the Dominican Senate approved the creation of yet another province yesterday. This time, the senators will divide the province of Santo Domingo and create the province of Matias Ramon Mella. The new province, if it passes the Chamber of Deputies and if President Leonel Fernandez gives it his approval, will include the cities of Santo Domingo North, Santo Domingo West, Los Alcarrizos and Pedro Brand. The city of Santo Domingo West will be the provincial capital. During the same session the villages of La Victoria, Guaricano and Sabana Perdida were elevated to the status of municipalities. According to El Caribe, there are a number of groups that oppose this sort of increase in the bureaucracy. A new province would almost certainly imply a new remodeling or even the rebuilding of the current congressional facility.

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