View Full Version : Government butters up transporters

07-04-2008, 03:30 PM
Government and transporters signed an agreement yesterday temporarily putting an end to the rift between both sides. The agreement once again grants numerous concessions and benefits to the transport unions that control public transport in the country. The transporters had been threatening to considerably raise fares in response to the spiral in fuel prices and other operational costs.
Twenty measures are contemplated. As part of the agreement, fuel prices for propane fuel (GLP) and diesel fuel will be fixed for at least six months. Transporters also agreed to keep passenger fares fixed.
The government and the unions agreed to absorb increases in international fuel prices with each side covering 50% of the increase of the week between RD$1 and RD$10 above the current price for a gallon of diesel fuel that is selling for RD$194.9 per gallon. The same will be done for price increases above the present propane price that is at RD$107.59 per gallon.
The agreement stipulates that fuel for the transport sector will be fixed at RD$145 per gallon for diesel fuel and RD$65 for propane, with the government absorbing the difference in the price.
The government has also agreed to submit to Congress a reform and modernization project for the transport sector and to create a specialized fund with RD$100 million in funds for contingency plans. The funds will be managed by the already created Fund for Transit Development (FONDET) and the Office for the Reorganization of Transit (OPRET).
The government has agreed to present a new reform plan for the transport sector after the 16 August inaugural of the second term of President Fernandez. The government also agreed to subsidize 50% of UASD university student fares and the creation of the National Public Transport School and the Transport Operations National School.
Government provisions to include drivers and their families in public health programs were also agreed to.
Multi-fare taxi drivers will be exempt from paying taxes on tires, lubricants, cars, replacement parts. Finally, the government and the transport unions have agreed to reorganize transport lines to feed the new Santo Domingo Metro. Present at the meeting were union leaders Juan Hubieres, Ramon Perez Figuereo, Ricardo de los Santos, Manuel Ramirez, Michael Mariot, Antonio Marte, Juan Sarmiento and Antonio Brito, as well as President Leonel Fernandez, Diandino Pena and others.

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