View Full Version : Problems delay arrival buses

07-04-2008, 03:30 PM
Mercedes Benz Brazil has begun to penalize the Dominican government for delays in issuing a line of credit that would facilitate the dispatching of the shipment of 125 Mercedes Benz buses of a total of 300 that had been contracted for use in the OMSA government bus service. The original bidding for the contract, which was won by Autozama, stipulates the manufacture of 300 of these buses in Brazil. The buses are ready and reports indicate they are sitting idle awaiting shipment. Autozama says the government has been unwilling to cover the cost of importing the buses. Autozama president Ramon Ernesto Morales said he held up his part of the deal and placed the order for the manufacture of the buses even though the government hadn't issued the line of credit to pay for the buses. Morales explained that Autozama won the September 2007 tender, by bidding US$11 million less than the competition, as reported in Hoy.
This latest news is another hit for the OMSA bus system, which is in desperate need of new vehicles and could collapse without the injection of new buses. Government-operated, the OMSA buses operate long city routes for the lowest rates.

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