View Full Version : CONEP wants a pow-wow

07-07-2008, 05:00 PM
The nation's business leaders, under the guidance of the National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), is urging the government to meet with economic sectors and reach an agreement on the measures that need to be adopted in to avoid an economic collapse. Also part of the agenda for the CONEP is the need to discuss salaries, both public and private, because it recognizes that the buying capacity of the population has been reduced as a result of the increases in the cost of goods and services both in the Dominican Republic and abroad. Lisandro Macarrulla, the CONEP president, warned that issues such as the increase in the deficit, governmentspending and the fiscal deficit have to be faced in order to protect macroeconomic stability. Regarding a possible salary increase, Macarrulla said that the issue had to be handled with prudence in order not to create a viscous circle of inflation.

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