View Full Version : New budget request

07-09-2008, 03:10 PM
Hacienda Minister Vicente Bengoa has told reporters that the government will submit a supplementary budget request to Congress next week. The minister told Diario Libre reporters that the new funds will be used to cover the subsidy program for bread and to satisfy some of the demands from the Dominican Medical Association (CMD). Bengoa said that he will be meeting with President Fernandez to present the details of each line item and where the money will come from. However, according to several newspapers, the minister did not say just how much money would be requested. He did say that the RD$113 million debt with the bakers was being resolved, and "would be taken care of when we come back from the PetroCaribe summit." The Hacienda Minister also said that he had met with the President's Chief of Staff, Luis Manuel Bonetti, Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez, and the President's medical advisor, Dr. Alberto Fiallo Billini to work out the details of the proposal that the government will submit to satisfy the doctors' demands. Bengoa said that seven of the eight issues are tied to the Ministry of Hacienda, and while not all of the demands will be resolved, some will be included in the 2009 budget. He did not go into specifics about the government proposals for the CMD.

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