View Full Version : Third set of sisters

07-15-2008, 04:47 AM
I just got finished a session with my third set of sisters. This one wasn't the greatest of all but in a way proabably the most significant.

Her sister and I were semi serious for a little while about 7 or 8 months ago. When I first met her sister she wasn't my first choice that night I must admit. She tried to get me earlier in the evening but to tell the truth my eye was on something else at the time. When that broke down went with the girl as I was leaving playa chiquita, that was when Playa was the after hour place. 3some and Uncle may remember the night, uncle I had met before and he wasn't interested in anything that night but as he sat at the bar in Playa Chiquita he became interested in something he had met previously and it was the first night I met 3some, and that night I facilitated 3some meeting a young lady he has enjoyed a few times after, no names of the females need to be mentioned at this time.

Anyway took her home had a great time, and she stayed another night and again I enjoyed her company. Next thing I know I am on the radar and she and I are in Santiago meeting the family. Hang out for a little while in their little shack and when it is time to go back to Sosua she asks if it is ok to bring her sister along who has never been to Sosua before. The sister is hot and of course I say no problem. We have a good time and since I have a 2 bedroom condo they stay with me for a few days. At this point I wanted to sample the sister but I could see no way to do it so I put it out of my head as best I can. The chica I am with causes problems for me because she is celosio (jealous) even though from the get go I explained no solomente. And I don't deal with her no more. I would see the sister occasionally at the clubs, buy them a couple of drinks and move on. Never thinking about the other sister. ( Off Limits). In any case the one that I dealt with doesn't come up her to much anymore, she is looking for marriage and really is meant to be here personality wise. The other one is now a semi-regular, and I see her with many guys but not me and I feel strange about it because I actually like her type, much more than the one I ended up with. Tonight I was told by a friend a bit of slang to say to the chicas down here, (keep this one it works). He said to say to them "Da Mi Ching", and he said it meant give me a little. Meaning give me some of that punani and then evaluate what they say, he told me they all knew what it meant but you would never find it in a dictionary. I thought it would be better to say, "Da ming ching, toto" but he told me
that was not necessary and he was right. Tonight I had few drinks and I saw the sister in Clasico and said to her "Da ming ching"
she looked surprised that I knew that expression she told me no, you can only be my friend.

To make a long story short the next thing I know she comes right by me at the bar I buy her a cerveza we dance a couple of songs and I ask her why is she there since she said "no". She then says I didn't mean no it is possible. Obviously at that point one thing led to another. The session wasn't the greatest but since it was a little taboo it was worth it. I asked her since she said she couldn't stay the night how much and she said what ever I wanted to give her. I asked could we do it again and she said yes so I gave her 1500 rd. She is really good looking and I am thinking I got to do it one more time because of the history and probably everything her sister told her about me she was a little nervous and if it ain't better I still did it.

Anyway that was the third time I did sisters. The first time was before I moved here on one of my mongering trips when I was staying at Casa Linda. I think most guys know them as the twins from Santiago. Petite and really cute. When I met them it was at Clasico's downstairs, and they came up to me and asked if I wanted to have a happy hour, for newbies (happy hour is two girls at one time or a threesome), who was I to say no? I take the back to the pad and enjoy their company. The only problem I had was that they weren't interacting with each other, my favorite 3somes are when the females are into each other and these 2 weren't even touching each other. I wasn't really pleased but I was already there so I would do one and then the other as they laid next to each other on the bed. At this point I was still ignorant to the fact that they were sisters, I thought they were just friends. They were both petite but their hair were different shades, and at the time when I picked them up I wasn't really into looking to closely at facial features. I didn't find out they were sisters till the next day. I was sitting in the Shark bar during the day at that point Lou opened early, when they passed by. They saw me and I saw them walking together and I waved at them. The guy next to me at the bar said to me, " I see you know the sisters". I said to myself what and waved them over, I asked them if they were sistersand they acknowledged it, then I realized why there was a lack a mutual touching between them. I then said to myself that was really cool, what happened the night before. I didn't see them for awhile but they come in town every once in awhile, actually they are in town now, but that is the only time I had them. They remember me as I do them because they always say hi, they are cute but the next time I will have them individually if I do it again.

The second time I had sisters again I didn't realize until after the fact that they were sisters. Another one I had on multiple occasions really good. She had a good friend, I guess she talked about to the friend because I would always catch the friend eyeing me when I was with her. Anyway one particular night again at the club at Play Chiquita, the friend was there without the one I was normally with, she was flirting and I was flirting back one thing led to another and we decided to go back to my place together, but she was with another girl, I said what the hell and said does your friend want to join us, she asked her and the response was in the affirmative. I took them both to my place and we again did our thing again the two females weren't as interactive with each other as I like but what the hell, I enjoyed them both. The next day the semi-regular sees me in the streets and says to me in a huff, last night you f'd my best friend and my sister. Well again I was surprised I knew about the friend but until that moment I had no idea that the other chica was her sister. We both laughed it off as she is cool. After that she and I and her sister have hung out although I never had sex with the sister again.

Well those are my sister stories, I would be interested to hear other stories about siblings, cousins or other family relations that some of you may have experienced. I am sure this may not be my last as far as this thread goes, because sometimes shit happens whether planned or not.

07-15-2008, 05:27 AM
You were close. The phrase is "Dame un chin"(chin pronounced as "cheen".

In Sosua and everywhere else in the country, it means "give me a little" such as when you're eating something and somebody else wants a little bit. They would say "dame un chin"

Only when you're in a hooker bar, talking to a hooker, would it infer that you want a piece of her.. lol

07-15-2008, 07:13 AM
I just got finished a session with my third set of sisters. ...............................
....................Tonight I was told by a friend a bit of slang to say to the chicas down here, (keep this one it works). He said to say to them "Da Mi Ching", and he said it meant give me a little. Meaning give me some of that punani and then evaluate what they say, he told me they all knew what it meant but you would never find it in a dictionary............


I'm surprised you were not previously aware of that expression.
Think about it. What two phrases is Shark Bar Lou always yelling out the window when chicas walk by?

#1: "How are you baby?

#2: "Deeeme baby, Deeeme!" ;)

And as to sisters (see my avatar), well I think I've had at least five pairs (to include two sets of "twins"). For details, check my old trip reports (or wait a couple of days - I return this Monday - and I'll tell you my tales over a few beverages). :D

El Capitan
07-15-2008, 07:52 AM
"Da ming ching" means "I don't speak Spanish" in Mandarin Chinese....

I think where you're trying to go is "Dame un chin" (Dah meh un cheen)
The big, bad mad docta Kush posted a really good list of "Dominican Spanish" the other day....you might want to reference it for words.

Here's why...in Miami, Cuba and most Spanish speaking countries the word "guapo" is "handsome".....in the highly edumacated streets of the DR, it'll get you punched in the face...they use it as "fight"......

Same with "un poco, or pococito"....most places, that means "a little".....my DR darlin had never heard the expression. ALSO, if you tell a Cuban...."mira la papaya".....that's "Look at her pussy".....in the DR, papaya is grown....but they have a slang name for the fruit....that everyone else calls....papaya.

Hope this helps...

07-15-2008, 09:20 AM
You were close. The phrase is "Dame un chin"(chin pronounced as "cheen".
In Sosua and everywhere else in the country, it means "give me a little" such as when you're eating something and somebody else wants a little bit. They would say "dame un chin"

Only when you're in a hooker bar, talking to a hooker, would it infer that you want a piece of her.. lol

Yes that was the expression, didn't know how to pronounce it , or spell it though, but it worked. As a matter of fact as I said a friend pulled me aside and told me about it. His girl was eating something and she said it to me, referring to what she was eating. I asked him what did she say? Because I never heard that expression before, or maybe I had and just let it pass over me. He repeated it and then he pulled me aside and told me, to say it to a chica and what it meant in their slang. Dominicans seem to bastardized the spanish language better then any other country; but I will use it again I promise.

07-15-2008, 09:36 AM
Well those are my sister stories,

As indicated before these are the sister stories that I am aware of; there may be more, I say that because in two of the three times that I am aware of being involved with sisters, I didn't know they were sisters until after the fact.

Actually a fourth can be had anytime I want. I have had one of the sisters who used to work at a bar on the beach on a few occasions and still calls. Her younger sister came into town about 2 or 3 months ago and knew exactly who I was. Came up to me as I was walking by one day. As soon as I saw her I knew exactly who she had to be; just a younger version of the other one, with her hair dyed a lighter shade. I have spoken to her on a few occasions since; but haven't consummated the deal as of yet, but she has made it clear that when I want to consummate it won't be a problem.

07-15-2008, 06:50 PM
They are not sisters. They are cousins.

07-16-2008, 05:58 AM
"Dame un chin"

Three years ago a mother taught me that one to tell to her cousin....lemme tell you, the cousin was not amused and everyone was laughing their ass off.
I did get the cousin in the end though, so it did work :-)
I'll be back soon Stu, we'll have some beers together....

07-16-2008, 01:15 PM
off topic but another good expression: "Propina se gane no se da."

A tip (propina) is earned not given.

08-02-2008, 08:15 PM

08-02-2008, 10:05 PM
Same with "un poco, or pococito"....most places, that means "a little".....my DR darlin had never heard the expression. ALSO, if you tell a Cuban...."mira la papaya".....that's "Look at her pussy".....in the DR, papaya is grown....but they have a slang name for the fruit....that everyone else calls....papaya.

Hope this helps..."choza" ....................

El Capitan
08-02-2008, 11:27 PM
"choza" ....................

Uh no....it's Lechosa=papaya....perhaps you've confuzed "choza" with chocha:mrgreen:
Thanks for the help!

08-03-2008, 04:57 PM
Uh no....it's Lechosa=papaya....perhaps you've confuzed "choza" with chocha:mrgreen:
Thanks for the help!True....

My fruit lady in Santiago pronounces it "chosa" which is short for Lechosa... My spelling was off.

Even her broken spanish is broken!!:wink:

08-03-2008, 05:01 PM

what does this mean: its pronounced like this... o-e-they

08-03-2008, 05:12 PM

what does this mean: its pronounced like this... o-e-they

I think that mean "listen". It cames from the verb oir.

You could also use "oye"

El Capitan
08-03-2008, 06:20 PM
Even her broken spanish is broken!!:wink:

A lot of DR Spanish is "broken", just like the educational system is broken. They love to try to make up words that sound "cool"....they're doin the same shit with reggaeton that was done in the U.S. with rap....inventin a vernacular that makes no sense except to those that speak it. (The Hadjs do it too...'cept we're hip to a lot of it)

Rosetta-Stone...it's the real way to go. (for me at least)

08-04-2008, 07:18 AM
A lot of DR Spanish is "broken", just like the educational system is broken. They love to try to make up words that sound "cool"....they're doin the same shit with reggaeton that was done in the U.S. with rap....inventin a vernacular that makes no sense except to those that speak it. (The Hadjs do it too...'cept we're hip to a lot of it)

Rosetta-Stone...it's the real way to go. (for me at least)Do you find Rosetta to be better than Pimsleur or the others? I used to use "behind the wheel spanish" which was pretty good. Just curious.