View Full Version : Decisional paralysis traps government

07-15-2008, 03:00 PM
Last week President Leonel Fernandez addressed the nation regarding the current economic crisis and the nation's fuel dependency, but his comments during a press conference are said to have left much to be desired.
Hoy writer Juan Bolivar Diaz comments that his answers demonstrated a government trapped behind the financial crisis, pressured by public opinion and one that has yet to decide on measures to face the current situation created by rising oil and food prices. Diaz explains that Fernandez didn't meet the expectations when he spoke last week and that it was public pressure that had forced the President to speak up. Diaz writes that understandably, during the pre-electoral period, Fernandez refused to recognize that the country was facing any issues and instead portrayed the idea that the country was prepared in light of any international crisis. But once he was elected for his third term, even his own party members began to question the party rhetoric and questioned the sustainability of the increasing subsidies programs and wastefulness of government, writes Diaz. During last week's press conference, Fernandez announced the government would reveal its plans in the face of looming economic and fuel concerns this week. Time has passed, and there is no new date to hear from the government on the package of measures. Diaz comments that Fernandez seems to be waiting until his 16th August inauguration to announce any plan, but that the reality is that it seems there is no real urgency to change anything.

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