View Full Version : Fernandez to announce measures

07-16-2008, 03:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez will address the nation tomorrow evening. Fernandez will focus on forthcoming economic and social measures including energy and fuel saving initiatives and an increase in the minimum wage, according to Hacienda Minister Vicente Bengoa, the Minister of Hacienda. Yesterday, Fernandez held a two-hour meeting with Vice President Rafael Alburquerque, Industry and Commerce Minister Melanio Paredes, Presidency Administrative Minister Luis Manuel Bonetti and his social and economic advisors. Bengoa also said that the President would be sending to Congress a supplementary budget, totaling some RD$20 billion, either Friday or Monday. Bengoa revealed that propane gas would continue to be subsidized, and that the President would announce other measures since "there is a serious crisis." The Minister of Hacienda said that the supplementary budget would be partially financed by resources coming from the PetroCaribe Agreement.

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