View Full Version : Speculation or government priorities

07-16-2008, 03:40 PM
During a visit to New York City, former presidential candidate Guillermo Moreno said that President Leonel Fernandez is the "governor of the excuses." He said that Fernandez has spent this term blaming his problems in government on his predecessor Hipolito Mejia, and now, even before starting his third term he has a new culprit: "petroleum speculation." Moreno says that presidents are not elected to describe the problems that we know about, but to confront them and lead the nation in resolving them with concrete plans."
As reported in Hoy, Moreno said that the rising cost of oil is not responsible for the government choosing to spend immense resources on building the Santo Domingo Metro, instead of on our true priorities, or for the heads of ministries and autonomous government departments choosing to assign themselves luxury salaries, costly SUVs of high consumption, per diems and commissions."
Moreno also said, "Rising oil prices are not to be blamed, but Leonel Fernandez himself, and his unlimited use of government money to promote clientelism, and the purchase of IDs to impose his re-election."
As reported in El Nacional, Moreno said that the rising cost of oil is not responsible for the legislators choosing to assign themselves the so-called "barrilitos" or millions in complementary allotments for distribution at their discretion, or for choosing to increase their wages, or for the "government's violation of the austerity law that was passed by President Fernandez himself."

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