View Full Version : Duarte Anniversary

07-16-2008, 03:40 PM
The president of the Duarte Institute said that today, 170 years after the founding of the secret society called "La Trinitaria" the values and ideals of the society are still viable in today's society, and offer an alternative to the principal social problems that affect the Dominican Republic. Professor Jose Joaquin Perez Savinon called on the government to imitate the founding fathers' example and work for the common good. Perez Savinon was speaking during a floral offering at the Altar of the Fatherland in Independence Park in downtown Santo Domingo. The event was part of the commemorations of the 170th anniversary of the founding of the secret society that worked to bring independence to the eastern portion of the island. The society's founder, Juan Pablo Duarte, is considered the Founding Father of the Dominican Republic. "La Trinitaria" refers to the ideal espoused by Duarte: God, Country and Freedom.

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