View Full Version : Crime and survival

07-25-2008, 05:20 PM
A study by cultural anthropologist Tahira Vargas in the Guaricanos sector of Santo Domingo reveals that for many youngsters selling drugs or stealing isn't a crime, just a way to survive, as reported in Hoy. One youth who remained anonymous, "when that money comes in it's a relief because I've helped my mother buy a stove, a bed, a television." The interviewed youth said he was aware that violence and delinquency are bad, but he justified it as a way to survive. Vargas explains that many of these youths are drawn into this lifestyle because of vulnerability, lack of job opportunities, expulsion from school, among other things. The anthropologist says that most of these youths lead normal lives and even have regular jobs but still partake in illegal activities as a way to get by, a modus vivendi in Dominican society. Vargas' research indicates a general distrust of police authority from these youth. One young man said that every time the police come around he removes his pants so the cops cant plant drugs on him and take him to jail.

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