View Full Version : Chevron could buy the tankers

07-30-2008, 04:00 PM
The Chevron-Texaco Company told the mediators at yesterday's meeting that they are willing to purchase the tankers involved in the dispute that has cost the company millions. Chevron had cancelled the contracts on 25 units that hauled petroleum products to the company's gasoline stations around the county. As a result, the tanker owners and drivers syndicates called for a boycott on all deliveries to Texaco stations.
With government mediators led by Vice-President Rafael Alburquerque and with invited mediator Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado present, the Chevron-Texaco representatives said that they would purchase the trucks. The syndicates have argued they had made multimillion investments to service Chevron.
According to Hoy, these trucks would be worth RD$375 million. This proposal came after company representatives flatly rejected a government and tanker owner and driver proposal that would have renewed the contracts for a one-time period of two years.
Attending the meeting for Chevron were Sandra Grullon and Hector Infante. Clemente Morillo represented the tanker drivers syndicate (SACTPA). Morillo, as reported in Hoy, said that the proposal should include a guarantee that Chevron would find jobs for the drivers.
Nelson Crespo, who is the president of the Association of Petroleum Tankers (ATP) and himself the owner of at least 14 of the 25 vehicles involved in the dispute, said he would submit a proposal for the sale of the tankers to Chevron via the Vice President's office. Vice-President Alburquerque said that once he receives the proposal he will convene another meeting of the parties.
Also mediating in the conflict are Reverend Manuel Estrella and former president of the Council of Business (Conep), Celso Marranzini.

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