View Full Version : [DR1] An outsider would be considered

05-05-2006, 02:10 PM
The influence of political party loyalty in the decision about who to vote for in a Presidential election could be less than expected. A recent Penn, Schoen & Berland poll published in El Caribe indicated that 76% would vote for an outsider. When voters were asked if a candidate not linked to a political party would come forth in the 2008 Presidential election if they would be inclined to vote for him, if this would not affect their vote or if this would make them less inclined to vote for this person, 34% responded they would be more inclined to vote for the person (compared to 30% when the question was asked in 1992), 42% said it would not affect their decision (compared to 37% when the question was asked in 1992), and 23% said they would be less inclined to vote for the person (compared to 22% when the question was asked in 1992).

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