View Full Version : JCE suspends cedulas

08-01-2008, 05:30 PM
The Central Electoral Board is suspending the cedulas of baseball prospects Angel Luis Joseph (son of undocumented Haitian parents) and Eduard Starlin after alterations in their birth certificates were detected. Both prospects obtained their cedula identity cards irregularly. There is the concern there may be other baseball prospects that have altered their data to appear younger and be signed by an MLB ball club.
Not long ago, Houston Astros player Miguel Tejada admitted to being older than listed in official records and explained that he lied because he was already older than the average age for MLB prospects.
Judge Roberto Rosario said both have legal options to regularize their status. He said that the JCE has received lots of international pressure to issue the IDs to the youths as is so they can sign their baseball contracts, when there has not been anywhere near that support for the plight of 100,000 Dominicans that do not have ID cards.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)