View Full Version : Massacre in Bani

08-06-2008, 02:00 PM
One survivor and seven dead was the toll of what is being described as an "international drug contract killing". Listin Diario says that the seven, six foreigners and one Dominican, were found with their hands tied and multiple bullet wounds in bushes near Ojo de Agua, a section of Paya, Bani, in Peravia province, 65 kilometers from Santo Domingo. The director of the National Investigation Department (DNI), Sigfrido Pared Perez, said that what took place in Catalina, Bani at 1:30 yesterday morning was a "typical result of drug theft among drug traffickers." The victims were Colombian, Venezuelan, Spanish, Nicaraguan and Dominican, according to Listin Diario, and El Nuevo Diario says that one was a citizen of the Philippines. The wounded man is a Nicaraguan, Holy Gomez, who saved his own life by playing dead. He is currently hospitalizeds under police protection. The victims lived in a house rented by Colombian Jesus David del Rio Hans in the Paya section of Bani. When police searched the property they found weapons, cell phones and other communications equipment, as well as several luxury vehicles.

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