View Full Version : High-rise development takes streets

08-08-2008, 04:20 PM
Santo Domingo councilor Andres Martinez has asked the City Hall president Gabriel Castro to revoke Resolution 20-08 that authorized Metropoli to build high-rise towers in Los Cacicazgos neighborhood on 29 February 2008. Martinez now takes the position that Metropoli project promoters distorted the information in their application. In a letter to the city hall president, Martinez says that Metropoli will not go up on one lot, but on three. Irregularly, three roads will need to be closed off to traffic, Cibao Sur, Cibao Este and Cibao Oeste. He presented proof that these streets had been occupied by the owners of the adjacent lots where the construction for the high rise was to take place. One of the towers, Torre de Plata is already several floors high. "As you will understand, honorable president, when the recommendations were issued for the passing of the resolution, we were not aware of this situation that is sufficient reason to revoke the decision to protect the public interest." Los Cacicazgos residents have campaigned against the resolution and the violations of laws by the developers of the high rises. Deputy Minou Tavarez (PLD-Santo Domingo) has also backed their campaign.

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