View Full Version : Rice sector denies raising prices

08-11-2008, 05:50 PM
The president of the Dominican Association of Rice Mills (Adofa), Miguel de Moya says that the RD$5 per pound increase in rice prices can only be attributed to speculation. He said that the rice mills have not increased the prices set by the National Rice Commission (CAN). De Moya said that the mills are supplying select grade rice at prices that vary from RD$14.00 to RD$17.00 per pound. De Moya said that the highest price a consumer should pay for a pound of select grade rice is RD$20.00, since it arrives at retailers with sufficient profit margins. De Moya said that he was surprised by the headlines in the Listin Diario yesterday that said that rice prices had increased RD$5.00 a pound. On the other hand, he said the report could be referring to the price increase for rice imported from the US, which has gone up RD$4 over the past few days.

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