View Full Version : Blackouts =RD$250 million in losses

08-11-2008, 05:50 PM
Storeowners associations again are complaining about the losses blackouts mean for their businesses. The National Federation of Merchants and Businessmen (Fenacerd) that has 30,000 members, says that the sector is losing RD$250 million per day, due to the blackouts. The federation met in Barahona, and demanded that the government renegotiate the contracts with the generators and establish a clear line of communication with the distributors to guarantee the electricity service and reduce the losses of commerce and businesses. Antonio Cruz Rojas, the president of the federation made his point during the Third National Congress of Merchants and Businessmen that focused on proposals for food security.
At the Congress it was proposed that the relatively inoperant Price Stabilization Institute (Inespre) be converted into the National Commercial Outlet for Agricultural Products (Conagro) and that it operate with mixed state and private capital.

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