View Full Version : Protesting old Smith-Enron

08-11-2008, 05:50 PM
The Association of Proprietors of Costambar has again taken public its plight over the San Felipe power plant, former Smith-Enron not having installed the adequate filters to avoid air contamination, according to a report in the Listin Diario. As a result, those in the environs suffer from soot that triggers asthma attacks, and other health problems, plus living in constant suffering from filth sent up by the infamous plant. The operation of the plant initially caused the closing of the luxury boutique hotel built by architect Oscar Imbert, and the loss of value to the prime vacation community of Costambar.
The Costambar homeowners are encouraging the Ministry of Environment to take a strong stance against the polluting by the power plant and taking their plight public.
Under Jose Arismendy Polanco, the Association has sent a letter on 16 July to President Leonel Fernandez with copies to the ministers of Tourism, Environment, the mayor and bishop of Puerto Plata.
Listin Diario reports that a committee from the Ministry of Environment visited Puerto Plata on 7 August to determine the air pollution caused by the plant.
The community says that the plant was installed in violation to Law 153-72 that establishes the area as a tourism community.

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