View Full Version : Dengue alert

08-13-2008, 02:50 PM
The Center for Tropical Diseases has issued an alert to watch for stagnant water that may become breeding ground for the dengue-spreading Aedes Aegipty mosquito. Summer is the high season for dengue fever. Dr. Jose Manuel Puello, the director of the National Center for Tropical Diseases (Cencet), under the Ministry for Public Health, also alerted the municipalities to clean up garbage where water can accumulate. Puello, a specialist in contagious diseases, said that although the fever is endemic in the Dominican Republic, there are times when the mosquito multiplies faster, especially in places where there is a scarcity of water and the families keep stored water without a lid or chlorination. He said that 55-gallon tanks have become the favorite breeding ground for the mosquito, since the tank is used to hold water for several days. He said that such a tank could produce between 80 and 130 adult mosquitoes per day. He recommended wiping down the sides of all water recipients with chlorine and keeping it covered.

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