View Full Version : What about Sun Land?

08-13-2008, 02:50 PM
The president of the PRD party, Ramon Alburquerque asks why the Supreme Court of Justice doesn't do what it preaches and convene judges to rule on the Sun Land case. A decision is pending in the Supreme Court on the legality of the US$110 million borrowed in name of the government without congressional approval. The use of the money has not been clarified. Alburquerque tied the Sun Land finance scheme scandal to recent comments made by Supreme Court president Jorge Subero Isa that an investigation should be called into the source of wealth of several government and judiciary officers whose recent fortunes have not been fully explained. Supreme Court president, Jorge Subero Isa had requested that investigations be carried out into the quick fortunes displayed by judges and government officers.
As reported in Hoy, Jorge Subero Isa has denied several times that the court is politically-biased in its choice of cases to review.

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