View Full Version : Caribbean Plan against drugs

08-13-2008, 02:50 PM
The president of the National Drug Control Department (DNCD), General Rafael Ramirez Ferreira is in favor of a Caribbean Plan, similar to the well known Plan Colombia or Merida Initiative that bring US resources to aid Colombia and Mexican authorities fight against the country's powerful drug cartels and organized crime networks. Ramirez Ferreira said that in the country there is the political will to fight drug trafficking, but there are not enough resources to carryout the fight successfully. There are not enough planes, helicopters or fast boats to do the job as the country is literally bombarded with drugs from air and sea.
The Hoy newspaper said that Ramirez Ferreira confirmed that "we need planes, helicopters and fast boats, not only to fight drug trafficking, but, because we are an island, these can be used to rescue people caught in storms." He called upon both the European Union and the United States to provide the logistical and material support needed to do the right thing.
He spoke at an event organized by the National Border Board CNF) to recognize his work to fight against illegal immigration and trans-border drug smuggling.
The statements are in line with the Cartagena Declaration, where Caribbean nations called for more involvement of the drugs buyer nations in combating the trafficking.
See http://dr1.com/news/2008/081308_cartagenadeclaration.shtml

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