View Full Version : Moreno calls for zero tolerance

08-15-2008, 04:20 PM
Former Santo Domingo district attorney and ex-presidential candidate Guillermo Moreno feels that Attorney General Radhames Jimenez, Interior Police Minster Franklyn Almeyda and other government officials should be fired for failing to follow up on the continuous warnings of complicity of the Bani authorities with drug traffickers made by Senator Wilton Guerrero.
Moreno says that the lack of political will to fight drug trafficking in the country is to blame for the increase in the trade. Moreno says that the tolerance and complicity in government jeopardizes the nation's security. "We aren't going to defeat drug trafficking by creating commissions that garner publicity and give the government more time, while the situation in Bani is forgotten." He says the way you beat drug trafficking is by not allowing drug money to be legitimized. He added that the government lacks the authority and will to face the issues at hand and says Dominican society should have zero tolerance towards drug trafficking.

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