View Full Version : Protests turn violent

08-19-2008, 02:50 PM
Ten hurt and another eight arrested after protesters took to the streets of Dajabon on the border with Haiti, angry over the lack of energy service. Listin Diario writes that protesters were blocking roads with rocks, trees, burnt tires and other objects. The protesters argue that though they pay their electricity bills they only receive two and three hours of service per day. Similar protests have occurred in Santiago and Tamboril where 18-hour blackouts have been the norm for the past weeks. Business owners joined the protest, arguing they have lost millions because of the blackouts. In response State Run Electric Companies (CDEEE) VP Radhames Segura has announced a new contingency plan to improve the service. Segura says an extra 50MW of energy will be integrated into the system shortly. This will make up for the energy lost due to issues with the San Felipe energy plant that announced it was shutting down for three weeks for maintenance. Segura added that eventually 150MW will enter the system with an extra 30MW contracted from the Laesa generator and another 50 MW which will enter in November from the Pinalito hydroelectric plant.

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