View Full Version : Many don't get power bills

08-25-2008, 02:20 PM
About 35% of electricity consumers do not get billed by the Electricity Distributors (Edes), according to a study released by the Dominican Corporation of State-owned Electricity Companies CDEEE). The study shows that the losses in the areas do not belong to the Program for the Reduction of Blackouts (PRA), which reached 47.17%, about 7% more than in January, when losses were said to be 37%. This means that the EDEs' financial losses increased by 20% in the first five months of the year. In March, two months before the elections, the sector began to show the first signs of deterioration. The reports show that the losses were close to 42% that month while there was much better service in the areas served by PRA. In order to get an idea of what happened, a look at May will be sufficient. In May the EDEs collected US$85.35 million, but in May 2007 they had collected US$86.7 million, a loss of 1.55% in 2008. In reality, the report from the CDEEE says that losses for the first six months were 34.24%, when the authorities had projected a 31% loss. The results for the first five months of the year showed a Cash Recovery Index (CRI) of 61%, but the projections had been for a CRI of 63.15%.

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