View Full Version : Immigration out of control

08-27-2008, 03:30 PM
An editorial in Hoy newspaper today concludes that immigration is out of control in the DR, primarily illegal migration from neighboring Haiti. "Many immigrants from Haiti are indigents that come to beg on our streets. Others are informal vendors. "The problem is not that immigrants enter the country, but rather that we do not have the minimum controls on their entry or stay. There are points in the country that are full of Haitians, virtually occupied, but there is the impression is that no authority or government department has control of the situation," says the editorialist. "We are no longer exercising our sovereignty as a state in a very sensible and delicate aspect, and that is getting worse with time. We need to rule on contracting foreign workers and effectively control migration."
Hoy newspaper has carried complaints that the Haitian migration population in the East is now more than the Dominican population. Most of the Haitians have come to work on vacation developments in the Bavaro-Punta Cana area, and many have stayed living precariously.

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