View Full Version : Government is biggest advertiser

09-02-2008, 07:40 PM
The Dominican government, despite having a monopoly on most of the services it offers, is by far the leading advertiser in the Dominican Republic. A report in the Listin Diario indicates that from 2003-2007 the Dominican government spent RD$900 million in advertising in newspapers alone. The Centro Cuesta Nacional (RD$500 million), Plaza Lama (RD$400 million) and Grupo Ramos (RD$350 million), all food and household goods chain, are the second, third and fourth largest advertisers in newspapers. Telecom giants Claro Codetel (RD$300 million), and Orange and Centennial (RD$200 million each), Tricom (RD$125 million) follow. Commercial banks Banco Popular (RD$200 million), BHD (RD$175 million) are next, according to the Dominican League of Advertising Agencies.

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