View Full Version : Excessive hiring by government

09-02-2008, 07:40 PM
Ines Aizpun of Diario Libre writes today of the need to de-politicize politics in the DR. She comments that the plan for a professionalized bureaucracy has been thwarted by pressures on the government to find jobs for those that campaigned for the reelection of President Leonel Fernandez, regardless of their qualifications, and despite the fact that there are already too many people on the government payroll. "Meanwhile, capable professionals, students with degrees from local and foreign universities, those with experience are left out of the public service career that never could be because the preference is to the guy who campaigned, even though he may not know where he will be placed, he will take any job!" explains Aizpun. She writes of the need to de-politicize politics, because from what we are seeing, political patronage is bursting at the seams!
The Foundation for Institutionality and Justice (Finjus) also criticized the unjustified increase in the government payroll and the delays in the government releasing information on public spending at a time when austerity and control of spending should prevail in government. Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman, executive vice president of Finjus criticized the recent appointment of dozens of new deputy ministers. He urged the Executive Branch to contain the appointments, and requested information in the law of access to public information on how many new government jobs are being created and their cost to taxpayers. "For years the leading Dominican institutions have pinpointed political patronage as a fundamental obstacle to advances in the integral development and the fight against poverty and democratic institutions consolidation," says Finjus.
The president of the Association of Industries of Herrera, Manuel Cabrera, also has said excessive hiring in the government is at a critical level.
In an editorial today, Hoy newspaper urges that the opportunity of the upcoming constitutional reform be used to incorporate measures that eradicate political patronage given its high cost to society.

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