View Full Version : Guerrero links high-ups to drugs

09-03-2008, 04:20 PM
Peravia senator Wilton Guerrero (PLD-Peravia) raised the level of his accusations of complicity with drug dealing and accused the governor of Peravia, Bienvenido Montero of being the godfather of crime in the province and of protecting former police commander in Bani, General Hilario Gonzalez, former prosecutor Victor Cordero and the chief of the Drug Enforcement department (DNCD) in the province. Guerrero has also brought up the personal relationship of General Hilario Gonzalez and attorney general Radhames Jimenez Pena, as reported in El Nuevo Diario.
Yesterday at the Senate, Guerrero presented photographs, videos, and quoted sections of government security organization confidential reports and other facts to conclude that in Bani there was a threesome between the governor's office, police and DNCD.
Guerrero accuses Gonzalez of being completely at the service of crime, prostitution and drug dealing.
He said that the threesome of Gonzalez, Cordero and the chief of the DNCD granted protection in exchange for bribes. He commented that governor Bienvenido Montero arrived to the post on a bicycle, and now can boast a considerable fortune. He mentioned that the governor hired Omega at a RD$200,000 cost to entertain his guests at a party, and has just recently purchased a 130 tarea avocado farm for RD$600,000.
Guerrero said that when General Gonzalez was in charge, more than 15 drug sales points were opened in the province. Guerrero, as reported in El Nuevo Diario, mentioned the names of police captain Ramiro Mercedes Delgado, Junior Felix Rivas, police sergeants Wilson Bautista Sierra, Ferdali Montero and Miguel Angel Carmona. He said these receive RD$10,000-RD$17,000 for the service of looking the other way regarding drug sales.
Guerrero mentioned the names and cases of Dominicans that have been deported from NY and today exhibit large fortunes, properties and businesses in Peravia under the support of the police group that General Gonzalez directed. In one of the photos, Guerrero showed Gonzalez at a party with persons he linked to drug dealing.
He showed a video regarding the inaugural bash for the Liquor Store Plaza, of Dominican Carlos Miguel Santana Brito, a former NY resident, attended by General Gonzalez, provincial governor Bienvenido Montero and others that the senator links to drug dealing in the province.
Guerrero says that General Gonzalez has a policemen assigned to the business of Franco Cuesta, and for this service he receives RD$15,000.

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