View Full Version : Guerrero focuses on Jimenez Pena

09-10-2008, 04:20 PM
Senator Wilton Guerrero says that if the PLD Political Committee is going to meet to hear his claims against General Hilario Gonzalez, then attorney general Radhames Jimenez Pena should be present. He has accused Jimenez Pena of not investigating his earlier drug dealer claims in Bani and ignoring documentation he presented two years ago on the situation, as reported in the Listin Diario.
Guerrero attributed responsibility to attorney general Radhames Jimenez Pena for omissions in the case of the massacre in Bani of seven suspected drug dealers.
Furthermore, Senator Wilton Guerrero says he has identified those who have offered a bounty of RD$10 million for his life. He fears for his life after he denounced that authorities are accomplices to drug dealers. He said he will deliver this information in person to President Leonel Fernandez as he does not trust other officers.

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