View Full Version : Villa Altagracia mayor goes mad?

09-10-2008, 04:20 PM
What's going through the head of Pedro Peralta, mayor of Villa Altagracia? News reports indicate that he has dumped city garbage anywhere he pleases, and when stopped from doing that, he dumped it right on the Duarte Highway, impeding traffic on Monday and Tuesday. Then he dumped it on the private property of the Consorcio Citricos Dominicanos, the Rica brand orange juice company. Yesterday, trucks from the city blocked the Duarte highway demanding that Consorcio Citricos Dominicanos hand over property for the municipal dump for Villa Altagracia. The director of Environmental Affairs for the Villa Altagracia Bienvenido Arias said that the mayor is irrational. He said the mayor could be sent to court for dumping garbage in the Haina River and on the plantations of the Consorcio Citricos Dominicanos. He said the mayor has to find an adequate place for the garbage dumping. Consorcio Citricos Dominicanos has a lease on State Sugar Council government lands in the area.

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