View Full Version : Quisqueya Verde program back

09-15-2008, 03:10 PM
Environment Minister Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal re-launched the Green Quisqueya reforestation plan in Santiago yesterday. Fernandez implemented the program very successfully when he was Vice President during President Leonel Fernandez's first term of office (1996-2000). With the participation of the Sociedad Ecologica del Cibao (SOECI) and the Santiago community, 3,000 native and endemic species were planted - including mahogany and oak. The plan was timidly restarted last year, but now with Fernandez Mirabal at the helm of the Ministry of Environment, more resources are expected to be available for reforestation. During the first push (1996-2000), an estimated 30 million trees were planted, making it the most successful reforestation program in the Caribbean and Central America.

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