View Full Version : Who should be denouncing whom?

09-16-2008, 03:40 PM
In today's Diario Libre AM editorial, Ines Aizpun writes on the sharing of knowledge about criminals between those in charge of prosecuting crime in the Dominican government. "If military officials are involved in drug trafficking, it is the same military that knows who is doing what. If police officers are in criminal gangs, the police have the names and the proof. If politicians are involved in corrupt acts, their colleagues in government have the data on this. If government officials are committing "indelicate acts" (a subtle way of saying robbery), this information is known by those in government before anyone else. And this is the talk of the town on the street, in colmados, among friends, but it looks like those who are involved are not noticing.
Aizpun says it is time for those who have the duty and the attribution, because of their jobs, to stop (or at least attempt to stop) these activities to stop talking "about the crisis of values that corrupts Dominican society" and demanding that the civil society and the press should take roles that should be their own.
She says it is tiresome that those in charge of stopping corruption and crime are periodically preaching to us, making us responsible for what they probably have not made a point of avoiding.
Aizpun says that it is not out of fashion to show responsibility and love for the country. What is out of place, she says, is empty rhetoric, and statements filled with honorable principles, while the names, actions and concrete acts that are costing us too much are hidden.

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